Positive Affirmations

Earlier this week I attended a training course entitled Increasing Human Effectiveness. The training focused on positive self talk and using it to unlock your potential. I have not been able to get this concept out of mind.  I have always believed in positive affirmations and speaking things into existence, but this course took it to another level.  Self relection is a hard thing to do, but we must do it if we desire to be better people.  We can not depend on others to make us better. After some reflection of my own, I have realized that I do need to be more positive and that I need to stop beating myself up.  You see,  these thoughts that we hold in begin to affect our subconcious mind after a while.  Once our subconcious has accepted the negativity we hold within, it is much more difficult to break the cycle.  We must stop putting limitations on ourselves by placing these thoughts in our mind.  We have to continue to think positive if we desire positive results. So, no more dwelling on a bad day because you then turn it into a bad week. No more dwelling on our mistakes as they are truly nothing more than learning experiences.  I have made a committment to myself to make a list of positive affirmations and review my list multiple times each day so that I can be better. There is truly a better person hidden beneath my rough exterior, a better mom hidden beneath my firm rules, a better wife hidden beneath my heavy heart, a better recruiter hidden beneath the frustration I face today.  What do you desire? What do you want to strive towards? Only you can answer that question, but for me it is set in stone and I can be a better Sarah. I hope that if you are reading this you understand that only you have the power to unlock what you know is there.  Only you can bring out the amazing talent you hold within and share the greater you with the world.  I encorage each of you to write out your affirmations, think positively, laugh, smile, and truly enjoy the new self you have found.  Stay blessed!


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