They Deserve It All
Children deserve the world, but they have basic minimums that should be met. Every child deserves a loving mother and father. Every child is entitled to love from both parents. There are so many little ones being raised by single parents, and quite frankly, it's disturbing. I understand that sometimes circumstances are beyond our control, but I also believe that as a parent we should do everything possible to avoid this situation. Now, I'm not saying that you need to be married to raise your children. I'm saying that mothers and fathers both have very critical roles in a child's life and living without one can cause life long emotional damage. A little girl who grows up without a father will always have issues with men. She'll never feel safe, she will struggle with trusting them, and/or she will be so happy to have their attention that they stray down the wrong path of filling that void with sex. A young boy without a father will struggle to find his purpose in life, will struggle when it comes time to raise his own family because there wasn't a man around for him to learn from. A young girl without a mother may never understand the power of being a woman. A boy without a mother will be absent of sensitivity when it counts. All of our situations are different, but I just can't understand a mother keeping her child from having a decent father in their life. It's just plain crazy to me. So many women wish they had a man that would accept responsibilty, but when one does you run from it. Maybe she thinks shes guarding her child from the pain that she suffered. Just because relationships don't work out, doesnt mean parenting can't. Put all differences aside and give your child what they deserve. Loving parents, education, food, water,clothing, discipline.
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