How to Be a Good Wife (Ha!)

Ok so, I just read a post on an awesome blog I follow (link below) about rules to keep your marriage happy.  These rules Jen found must have come from another decade. The modern roles in the household and family have changed so much that what worked in the 1940's isn't going to work anymore.  Most households have two working parents, no one can afford to stay home. Parents have become overachievers, over streching children in so many activities. The world is moving much faster and we are trying to keep up with it. I've been married almost four years and with my husband for 8.  It hasn't always been easy but its been worth it.  He is a good man, he's hilarious, and a great father.  He has a heart under that tough skin of his and it belongs to me.  I love him and he loves me, so it works even though we are complete opposites. So, lets visit the rules on her page and my real life responses to them.

1.  Be pleasant.  Be warm, kind, and positive. Keep a smile on your face and always have a neat clean appearance. 

Yea, well I try. But when everyone in the house needs EVERYTHING from you, being pleasant can be tough. How do you want me to be nice to you when I don't have time to keep my appearance up or sleep more than 5 hours? I love you and I'll be positive when it counts but quite frankly I'm tired and my legging are way more comfy than those stilettos buddy. 

2.  Treat your husband with respect.  Never say harsh things to him in public or private.

Respect has to be mutual. If you give it, so will I.  But as soon as you cross the line, It's war.  See, I'm a bit of a firecracker so I tend to blow up from time to time, but I try not to say anything that will make me feel guilty or make him think I don't care about him.

3. Communicate. Be a good listener. When he is talking you should listen even if you have a hundred things to tell him- don't do it. Just listen to him.

Ha!  I listen alright.  I listen to him moan and complain about how tired he is after he works and sleeps.  That's it, go to work and go to sleep. Must be nice.  I listen when he asks me to cook him breakfast at 4 in the morning and when he asks me to bring him a beer. I listen to him when he randomly wants to talk at 1 am and I'm trying to sleep.So, any chance I get I've got to tell him all I can and quick before he dozes off.

4. Do not nag. 

Seriously?  Nagging is what wives do.  If I didn't nothing would get accomplished. My plate is full, so I've got to nag you to get you away from the tv and to the garage to get the box I can't reach.
1. Be Pleasant. Be warm, kind, and positive. Keep a smile on your face and always have a neat and clean appearance.  - See more at:
1. Be Pleasant. Be warm, kind, and positive. Keep a smile on your face and always have a neat and clean appearance.  - See more at:
1. Be Pleasant. Be warm, kind, and positive. Keep a smile on your face and always have a neat and clean appearance.  - See more at:
1. Be Pleasant. Be warm, kind, and positive. Keep a smile on your face and always have a neat and clean appearance.  - See more at:

5. Give him his space.  Your are not his entire life, give him some free time.

I agree, but can I have free time too? You can go shoot pool or whatever but my free time consists of my five minute shower whenever I can squeeze it in. Please go take a trip or anything else, just find a sitter first.

6. Keep him happy in bed.

Yes, a good sex life is a key to a happy marriage, but I've got admit that the only good thing about having a period is that I get a break from keeping him happy. Maybe if I had time to find something other than leggings to wear or have my hair and nails done and just feel pretty I could turn it up a bit but sometimes its just another thing on my to do list. Sorry hubby.For better or worse right?

That's it. I'd love hear your thoughts.  FYI you can find the original post from Jen and many other great reads at:


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