Reuniting and It Feels So......
For many years I searched for my father. I searched online, I sent emails, snail mail with pictures of myself to people that I thought could be my father. I even went as far as stopping complete strangers who resembled the picture I had of him. I put together a group of friends and we called every person with his last name in the white pages. One of the letters I sent was returned about two months later. Little did I know I would eventually meet my father at that same address. In 2004 I received a call from a very good friend telling me she had news about my father. I immediately began to tremble and asked, "Is he dead?" When Nene told me she found him, I screamed! I was so excited. This was truly a remarkable and definitely memorable moment in life. In just a matter of hours I would finally meet him. I suddenly felt complete. So, she picked me up and we headed out. We went to my grandmothers house ( the address I had previously sent a letter to)...