Our Subconcious Greed

I realized this morning that we as Americans are greedy in nature. Some of you may be thinking otherwise, but our greed is often hidden. We always strive for more, we always want more but rarely give. We are all subconciously greedy.  We tell family and friends that we do not have anything to give when they are in need.  Now, you and I both know that's not the truth.  We simply just don't want to give. Furthermore, many of us don't know how to give. I believe it's time to stop asking, stop wanting, and stop pleading for more.  We should be thankful for all that we have and even what we do not.  Not having much made me grateful for the things I did have.  It made me work harder to earn the things I wanted. It made appreciate the value, no matter how little, these things hold.  Greed does not come with only tangible items such as money and belongings. We also tend to be greedy in our relationships.  It is always about us.  The wedding is about the bride, Sweetest Day about the man.  We need to learn to incorporate more things that involve others in our everyday lives.  The excuse that people do things for the family has grown old. Do you really think your child cares if they have a plasma screen tv or an old boob tube?  No, they are simply excited to watch cartoons. So where did this greed come from?  I feel as though it has been brainwashed (for lack of a better word) into us. Everything we see on tv, the celebrities that we admire, the hollywood lifestyle, the growing sizes of our homes (yet our family sizes continue to shrink), and our reliability on convenience items. Fast food, eat out restaurants, cable tv, ipods, laptops, text messaging....all of things have made us lose touch with more important things in life.  What happened to working hard for what you wnat?  What happened to being truly grateful for the things we have?  What happened to America? What happened to family dinners? What are your thoughts?  In what ways have you been greedy?


  1. -I totally agree with this. All of the modern day tech that has risen had an affect on the way we live & the way we communicate. think about it your sitting in the room wit your bestfriend right next to you, and your texting each other thats why communication has steadily been dropping.
    -People are becoming selfish and are only concerned about theirselves. The average male will go out and but a pair of $300 jordans, what do you need a $300 pair of shoes for when you can better off use that money to feed the homeless or donate to charity.
    -America is falling apart because there is no communication, kids are doing drugs getting pregnant simply because some parents arnt talking and teaching their children right from wrong or not doing what their suppose to , to keep their children on the right track.
    -I can say that my parents are great and have always been supportive in what i do (accept the army) but I have gained alot of knowledge because they are great people & im glad that i have them. But i'm getting older and its time to learn how to make my own choices now. and live how i'd like to..
    -In conclusion this is a very well spoken passage and i do agree, that america had changed alot, considering how things used to be =)... - jANIE


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