I can't believe there's a baby in there!
So as you know, I am pregnant again. I am currently in my 5th month and anxiously awaiting my second little princess. I have a pretty busy life with work and raising my 3 year old so sometimes I forget that I'm pregnant. Then I feel the most amazing feeling, my baby kick in my belly. Last night I could feel her tumbling all around like a little gymnast. It always causes me to take a second and reflect on the fact that there is a child growing in my belly. Everything I do, everything I eat, everything I drink affects this little girl. So knowing that, how is it possible to almost forget she's there? It seems as though my world should stop and focus on her and only her. I wish it were that way. Pregnant women should be given a 9 month vacation in order to carry our children. Our bodies are experiencing such change during this time. I can feel that my feet are swollen even though I can not see them. My husband has to help me put my shoes on because bending over is next to impossible with this big ole belly. By the end of the day I am waddling like a duck and want nothing more than to curl up with my body pillow and fall asleep. But, as soon as I get comfortable here comes the 3 year old and she wants a snack, or to read a book, or have a tea party and Mommy must get up and take care of her little angel. Am I complaining? Absolutely not! I love being pregnant and think it is a miracle. I am very proud of the fact that my body can give life to another human. But on the other hand, I'm tired, I can't control my hormones, my back hurts, I don;t want anyone touching me, and I feel soooo fat! I guess my point is that while pregnancy is a blessing it is also not an easy process. It is easier than actually being a parent, but still not easy. So when I say I need a break or I'm too tired, please remember that I am giving everything I have to this little person growing inside of me.
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