
Showing posts from 2014

How to Be a Good Wife (Ha!)

Ok so, I just read a post on an awesome blog I follow (link below) about rules to keep your marriage happy.  These rules Jen found must have come from another decade. The modern roles in the household and family have changed so much that what worked in the 1940's isn't going to work anymore.  Most households have two working parents, no one can afford to stay home. Parents have become overachievers, over streching children in so many activities. The world is moving much faster and we are trying to keep up with it. I've been married almost four years and with my husband for 8.  It hasn't always been easy but its been worth it.  He is a good man, he's hilarious, and a great father.  He has a heart under that tough skin of his and it belongs to me.  I love him and he loves me, so it works even though we are complete opposites. So, lets visit the rules on her page and my real life responses to them. 1.  Be pleasant.  Be warm, kind, and positive. Kee...

The Terrible Two's!!!!!

Isn't she terribly cute? Ugh!  Anyone with a toddler can understand my disdain for the terrible two stage.  Ok, well I think my daughter has taken this stage as a personal challenge and I am losing my mind. She's incredibly rambunctious and refuses to listen even though she continually gets disciplined. If this child writes on one more thing ( the wall, my bed, her body, the tables and chairs) I may just lose it.  She's super smart and thinks she can do everything her big sister can. This is both good and bad.  I mean, I am so happy she's strong willed and independent, BUT , a 2 year old can not do everything that a 6 year old can.  Avaya (6)likes to help cook, so naturally Alana (2) thinks she can help as well.  I try to let her help season the food, but when I try and show her how to sprinkle the pepper she dumps the entire container on our dinner!  I had to take away bath tub toys, because she turns my bathroom into a small pond everyday! That d...

What Happened to Being a Lady?

When did we as women start degrading ourselves? We fought to have equal rights for so long, and now that we do so many are acting a fool. I look through my Facebook and Instagram timelines and I see too many half naked pictures. What happened to leaving something to the imagination? You can be sexy without having your whole body out! I was taught to respect my body, to cherish it, and never let it be taken for granted. My body is a treasure and it's beautiful, but it's not meant for the whole world to view. Woman are amazing creations! We have strength beyond measure, we bring beautiful people into this world, and we sustain regardless of what we face. We fight everyday to raise our families right, give love, and teach our children how to live right. However, when we degrade ourselves, what are we saying to the world? It makes us look weak. It makes me feel embarrassed because I know that being a woman, being a lady, embodies so much more than being sexy or catching a man. Yes ...

The Stay at home Mom saga

I recently reverted to being a stay at home mom for the second time. The first time was only 7 months, and who knows how long this stint will be. People always tell me how lucky I am to stay at home with my babies. Lucky may not be the right word. Yes it is wonderful to be here and see them grow and learn, eat dinner at a civilized hour and have a clean house. Nobody talks about the unpleasant side of it though. Quite frankly, having a 9-5 job is easier. SAHM's never leave work. We get up before everyone else and work late into the night. I get up, have a cup of coffee then get to work. I have to get the kids up for school, feed them, dress them, groom them and drive them. I drop the oldest off at school and with my 2 year old in tow, run errands. Grocery shopping, post office, gas the car, wash the car, etc. we get back home to walk the dog and start the daily cleaning. I clean and she runs behind me leaving a gingerbread trail of toys and snacks. My husband works afternoons so I ...

The Year In Review

2013 Is ending in just a few short hours and as I sit here reflecting, I'm not quite sure how I feel about my year. I came into the year positive, making no resolutions. My primary focus was family. I found new family, reconnected with others, and strengthened my home in the process. Unfortunately, I've come to realize that making your family stronger doesn't leave much time, energy, or room for friends. This brings me a sense of sadness as I have definitely lost a few of you over the year. It also brings me understanding that you must sacrifice in some areas in order to enhance others.  This year has brought me pain, strength, disappointment, and hope.  I have joyfully watched my children grow and learn.  I have accepted and found love for another child in my home.  I have dealt with the pain of old wounds while experiencing the sheer happiness of new connections. I have been both hired and laid off in only a few short months. I have been lucky to see the people aro...