The Stay at home Mom saga
I recently reverted to being a stay at home mom for the second time. The first time was only 7 months, and who knows how long this stint will be. People always tell me how lucky I am to stay at home with my babies. Lucky may not be the right word. Yes it is wonderful to be here and see them grow and learn, eat dinner at a civilized hour and have a clean house. Nobody talks about the unpleasant side of it though. Quite frankly, having a 9-5 job is easier. SAHM's never leave work. We get up before everyone else and work late into the night. I get up, have a cup of coffee then get to work. I have to get the kids up for school, feed them, dress them, groom them and drive them. I drop the oldest off at school and with my 2 year old in tow, run errands. Grocery shopping, post office, gas the car, wash the car, etc. we get back home to walk the dog and start the daily cleaning. I clean and she runs behind me leaving a gingerbread trail of toys and snacks. My husband works afternoons so I have to have 3 meals ready by 2pm and then I can continue with my duties. There are about 6 loads of laundry each week to be done now. Once my oldest gets home, it's straight into homework mode, then dinner, bath, maybe cartoons, reading and bed. The littlest one stays up later because if I try to put her to bed when her sister goes to sleep at 8, she reeks havoc in the room. So, another hour of playing with her. Have you ever tried to keep a 2 year old calm and quiet for so many hours? It's a job in itself! Finally, she's in bed and I'm almost free. But wait, I need to watch some adult television so it's onto the DVR while I fold laundry or put dishes away. Damn it now it's 11 pm and I still need to shower!!! Finally I can get in my bed and try to fall asleep because 5:30 comes way too fast. Most days, I'm lucky to sleep that long thanks to my dear husband. He has a tendency to wake me at about 4am. Then I take care of him. When do I get to take care of me? I don't have time to visit friends and family, have a glass of wine, or do my crazy hair. Most days, I look like 10 miles of dirt road but my kids are always put together. I'm exhausted. I'm tired. I miss nail polish and manicured eyebrows. This is a rewarding but chaotic and selfless job. Being a mom is a blessing and a joy, but people definitely underestimate all that we do. If anyone else asks me why I'm always tired, I think I'll punch them in the face and then drop my kids off with them for a week.
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