Double Standards
Within our society there are too many double standards. When you really look at, it seems as though we still live in an older America. Men and women are held to different standards. Both at work and in the home. This idiocracy stares us in the face. Men still tend to earn more money in the work field than women. A women returns from work and still has a list of things to accomplish before bed. She is usually the last to sleep and first to wake. She makes time for it all, but could always use help. Men, on the other hand, walk in the door, grab a beer, and sit in front of the tv. Double standard. Women are expected to act like a lady in public, however, men are continually reverting back to their younger days. The respect a man should have for his wife has diminished in today's society. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with more women working towards a career, rather than staying home but something has changed. It is never seen as appropriate for a woman to show her panties in public. Yet, everyday I see men with their pants so low I can see much more than undergarments. Both genders have their own mindsets and roles; but why is the standard so different within those? Double standards are a heavy weight this society needs to lift off itself.
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