Desperate Soul

Another poem I wrote... More to come

I feel as though you taken a piece of my soul.
It's like you have chipped a piece off very slow
Your actions have hurt me more than you know
I guess I hurt you too but I never really knew
And if I did I apologize, you must know my love is the truth
I just can't understand why you feel the need to cut so deep
Why you feel the need to rip away a part of me
I want you to talk to me and tell me how you feel
Tired of screaming & fighting I just want to chill
I want my smile back in my soul
I want to feel that the two of us are whole
I want my heart to stop bleeding pain
I'm frightened by the thought of divorce
I don't want to it to go that far
I know we can work it out
Please don't allow this to tear our family apart
I need you you to close your eyes and see my view
Understand where I come from and I'll do the same for you
If we can just get to that point
I know we can make it work.
I love you


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