Joy from Within

The word joy is defined as a state of happiness and felicity.  Today, I felt joy for the first time in a long time. Its a feeling that runs through you uncontrollably and it is undeniable. It brings a smile to your face and sends chills down your back. So how can we find this more often in our lives?  Unfortunately, I believe that it is not meant to to be felt all the time.  If we did, we could not truly appreciate it when it comes about. We often have to suffer for a while before we can feel joy.  You will go through so many downs and feel like your world is crumbling apart, and then one moment changes it all. It all seems worth it at that moment. I'm not really sure on how to find that feeling more, but I do know that I'm willing to endure the toughest challenge just to have that moment. True happiness is not just about your appearance or outer surroundings.  It also relies on what's inside.  If you are not happy with the person you are, you can not feel happiness.  Take a look in the mirror, re-evaluate yourself and get to work.  Only you have the power to change what is making you unhappy.  No other person can bring you total and true happiness. They can assist you, but only you can do it. I pray that every person who reads this gets to experience true, undeniable, JOY.


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